
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Monday, 24 December.

Had a christmas dinner at family's friend's place. It was really fun. They got a trampoline at their backyard. Damn, believe it or not, but i was actually jumping like noone's business although i was wearing a dress? HAHHAHAA! Me and linda was jumping with our dresses on with th other little kids. It was fun alright? There's this kid, he's super adorable. And he's so smart for his age. I love smart kids.:) Got bullied by th other two kids. Come on, they play wrestling with us? What do you expect when we're wearing dresses, srsly. They were like hell on top of us. And we got bored, so we decided o play dead? HAH. OHH, and th kids rly believe in Santa? So, we were playing and th adults told th kids that th "Santa" is there. So we went in, in th dark house, there's actually a guy dressed up as Santa and putting th presents by th christmas tree.
And Santa goes, "Boys, you have been a good boy this year and thats why you got presents. Be a good boy and you'll get more next year! HOHOHO."
I was like okayyyyyyy. Oh, and a kid actually cried cause he was freaked out. GEE. And they open th presents and all. HEEEE, i was great.:D

Tuesday, 25 December.
Went to Ryan's place.(Linda's ex boyf) to give th christmas gifts. They're cool. Ryan's making songs and puting it in myspace. prettay cool aye?
Went to th beach after that. OHMYGODD! Th beach was awesome, i swear. Th waves are great! Well, th water was cool, i was freezing. Nahh, kidding. But it was cold, rly!
Anyway, i looked so amused by th huge waves, that you dont get to see in Sinaapore i must admit. I was shouting when th waves came, when everybody else there were all waiting for th biggest waves. I was just holding on to Nadia. I wont dare to be by myself. Th thing is, i manage to jump and pass th waves but my feet wont reach th ground after th waves. And so, i got panicked. Its not that i cant swim but th fact that th waves are rly against me, pushing me. And there's this one time, Nadia asked me to dive under but she changed her mind and asked me to jump. But i dived under and th waves are like crashing me. Believe it or not, i was rolling IN th water okay. And, i wasnt holding to Nadia. She got so scraed cause she thought she lost me and when i went up, she was hugging me. HAHA, cause i was rolling in th water for quite sometime. Even my aunt who was by th beach got rly scared and started to panick. Rly scary, like its rly hard to go against th waves. Furthermore im quite light, th waves can bring me down anytime. But it was srsly fun, i reckon? I want more of that!:D And th sunset was rly rly nice.

Wednesday, 26 december.
Had guests coming over for lunch. And went swimming at th pool with them. Oh god, im rather tanned. Hate that! Talked to Maisurah like finally after a few days not talking to each other. Sucks aye? And thanks for th rly long email. Good to hear from you dude!

Today was my one month anniversary with dear Azzrul!:D 261107<3
I felt terrible cause i didnt get to talk to him for th past like three days? Or four. I think i was quite quiet and Nadia realise it i think. See, like even my cousin knowss well already. My siblings wouldnot know why you see. So she asked my aunt if i could call Azzrul. She claimed its way cheaper to actually call his home using their house phone. So, called him. Like its been ages since i talked to him. He still send me a text although he's pretty sure i wouldnot get it since i got no signal. But he read it to me and i was like AWWWWWWHH. He's rly sweet aye.:D



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