One day, a boy planned a surprise for a girl in conjunction of their 425days being with each other. The guy wanted to bring her to somewhere they’ve never been before. So, the thoughtful guy fetched the girl from home and off they went with the plan. The girl was extremely curious but excited at the same time because she was clueless to where the guy wanna bring her to. They took 187 followed by 75. A lot of things ran through the girl’s mind trying to figure out the place but she remain clueless. That particular bus they took drove pass this signboard and everything came clear at that very point of time. Her guess was right afterall.
They had a great time exploring the botanic garden together holding hands, at the same time cracking up jokes/having their chocolate chip ice-cream, going round and round trying to capture pictures of every inch of the garden and ending up at the same place again. They were contented as its been long since they had the chance to do that. And at one point of time, they just sat on the grass enjoying the scenic view as well as the breeze. Thats when the girl gets head over heels over the Bear the boy bought for her. It was a fluffy brown bear along with a shimmering necklace with the letter "R" and it was hugging a heart-shaped red coloured paper which says "Happy 14.." What could have been better, the girl thought. To sum up the day, they had dinner together with the guy's friend.
"Thank you for your never-ending suprises. Like i said a gazillion times, im still glad you're still here with me. I never thought i would spend my past 14 months being with the most amazing boyfriend like you. Even after 425days being with you, you never fail to give me butterflies. Youre the one, always there for me. You never fail to bright up my day with your presence, smiles and laughters. You're there to catch me if i fall, hear me when im mad and share my joys when im happy. I appreciate every little things that you did for me. I would never trade anything in the world for you, your love and every moments we shared, the ups and down we went through, every single thing we did. You're like the magic that happened to me. You have the key to my heart. Thank you for the joyous 14 months. Let the number grow, baby. I love you." - The girl said.
And that day was, My Saturday.
Labels: Pictures will be uploaded soon.