Okay this week had been a blast!
Started out th week with class chalet at costa sands. Met Rizal at Yishun and headed Bedok to meet th rest. (Xue er, Xue le, Glenn, Ben, Joshua, Mei Shen, Sydney) Did a little bit of shopping and then headed to Glenn's grandma's bungalow to get th rest of th stuffs. Half of us took th taxi and th rest of us took th bus to downtown. Booked in and had our lunch @ downtown. Afterwhich headed back to our chalet. Th guys went to sleep. -_____-
While the girls and i went wild wild wet! Th rides seems boring. But okay since its free, enjoy while you can. haha.
Th rest joined us at night at th barbeque. Helped out in th barbeque. One by one of them got drunk. And yeah. Slept at 4 plus. A bunch of them didnt sleep and they went around disturbing others. Colgate was all over my toes when i woke up demanding for a blanket cause im cold. They starred at me and laughed. And Rizal and Liting was arguing about which tuna to eat. Chilli or mayo? At 6am? HAHA.
I can hear them wanting to have breakfast at macs but when i woke up, they didnt. Reason being, Liting asked Rizal for breakfast and asked him to bathe first. And when Rizal came out, everyone was asleep. Punked! So much of having breakfast, its 11 plus already.
Had very late lunch. Walked around E-hub and played arcade. Th game promised us 25 tickets but only 13? Okay nevermind.
Rented bicycle overnight. Had barbeque again. My sister dropped by and they said that she's like Oprah Winfrey. HAHA. Cos, she's good at advising and encouraging.
And yeah, chatted till morning. Liting and me was rather scared to bathe sine its already 2 plus. So, we bathed together. And when we came out, all th nice spots to sleep are already taken. I didnt know where to sleep, so i squeezed beside rozaime. Haha. I mean, it was only Nurul and him on th bed. There's still spaces. And all th floor are occupied. So yeah. He was giving me th stare when i tried to grabbed th blanket. Hehe.
Had to book out at 12. And we wanted to go wild wild wet but it was not open till 1. We headed to Joshua's cribs. They took a nap there. And then, headed to wild wild wet. Rozaime Josh Rizal Nurul Liting and me took th ular-lar over and over again cos we wanted to capture a nice photo. We, being girls forced th guys to take it over and over again. Twice, our picture wasnt captured due to some reason. W e tried till got th nice one but didnt bought it. It was fun. HEE.
And its rather interesting to see th 23-year old guy to get amused at the playground slides th most. Its like, we conquered th playground. Nurul or rozaime will lead us to one slide to another. And we did different moves along th way. There's times where i bumped into liting when we were going down and there was other times where rizal tried so hard not to bumped into me and he was hiting th sides of th slides. And we would wait for this bucket to pour water on us every 5/10 minutes? Its rather amazing that we looked forward to getting hit on our head.
Had dinner and headed home with rizal and ben.
Mum nagged cause i ave not been at home for 2 days and i came home late.
Fetched Seri from school! Went Junction 8 to get Farah's present. Headed to seri's cribs cause i forced to watched PS, I love you.
And now, i've been watching it numerous times since i got it in my lappy.
Maisurah! I want you to watch it too! Haha, idk why im so eager for them to watch it but yeah..
Headed to school and then grandma's house. Grandad remembered me! hehe, unlike the last time.
Met Azzrul cause he have to pass me th cake receipt. And then, i headed home. In the evening, i collected Farah's birthday cake and met Azzrul. We headed to Henderson waves and prepared the stuffs. And tada! Suprise farah! Since she was really convinced that i was overseas, like how i told her..she didnt suspect anything. Thank god, it all went well.:D
A group even passed by and sang her a birthday song.
Let the pictures do th talking...